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On this page

    Buyer’s guide to STI tests

    On this page
    1. How to get an STI test with Online Doctor
    2. When to test for STIs
    3. Can you do an STI test on your period?
    4. What do home STI kits test for?
    5. Types of STI tests
    6. How long do STI tests take?
    7. Are at home STI tests accurate?
    8. How long do STI test results take?
    9. Are my results confidential?  
    10. Can I get treatment for STIs with Online Doctor?
    11. Where else can I get tested for STIs?

    Reviewed by our clinical team

    Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is nothing to be ashamed of – in fact, it’s a really good thing to do for your health. Unfortunately, lots of people feel that there’s a stigma attached to getting tested. This puts them off visiting their GP or local sexual health clinic for an STI test.

    If you want to get tested but you’d rather do it from the comfort of your own home, LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor can help. In this article we run through the safe, reliable home STI kits that you can use at home and post to our lab for testing. 

    3 boxes of STI tests

    How to get an STI test with Online Doctor

    Ordering a home test kit from Online Doctor is really quick and easy. Start by visiting our online STI service and browsing available test kits.

    1. Select your test by clicking “Request test kit” 
    2. Fill out our short, confidential questionnaire – this is an online version of the chat you’d have with a doctor or nurse in person  
    3. Pay for your test and enter your home address 
    4. One of our in-house clinicians will check your questionnaire to confirm your suitability
    5. If approved, the test will be delivered to your home in discreet packaging 
    6. Carry out the test at home, using the instructions provided 
    7. Post your sample to our lab using the prepaid envelope supplied with the kit 
    8. Get your results through your secure online Patient Record

    Once our lab has received your sample they should be able to test it and provide your results within three working days.

    When to test for STIs

    If you’ve had sex without a condom or are experiencing symptoms you should get tested as soon as possible. Either at your local sexual health clinic or GP surgery. It’s also a good idea to get tested if you have any new sexual partners.

    STI symptoms include:

    • Unusual discharge from the penis or vagina
    • Abnormal bleeding from the vagina 
    • Burning or stinging when you urinate
    • Pain or discomfort in the lower tummy, penis, or testicles
    • Discomfort, discharge, or bleeding from the rectum 

    You can find out more about STI symptoms in men and women on our advice hub.  

    Can I use a LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor STI test?  

    You can use our STI test kits provided you are over 18 and you’re not experiencing any STI symptoms.

    If you’re having certain symptoms, we won't be able to send you a test kit. This is because you might need a more in-depth discussion to work out which tests or investigations you should have. Instead, you should go to your local sexual health clinic or make an appointment with your GP.

    Photo assessment

    If you’ve developed a rash, bumps, lumps or sores around your genitals, or you’re experiencing any other visible symptoms, you can use our genital photo assessment service to get a consultation from a doctor. A photo assessment is a great way to diagnose genital warts or genital herpes, other lumps and bumps and some types of rashes.

    Can you do an STI test on your period?

    Yes, you can still do an STI test if you’re on your period. STI tests are sophisticated. They can pick up STIs even if your sample contains some menstrual blood. You can find out more about getting an STI test while on your period in our period and STI test guide.   

    What do home STI kits test for?

    At-home STI test kits can test for a range of STIs, including some of the most common. There’s also tests that look for more than one STI.  

    We can test for these STIs: 

    Types of STI tests

    Most of our test kits look for more than one infection, making them ideal if you just want a check-up. This might be a good idea if you’ve been having casual sex, particularly with more than one partner, or you haven’t been tested in a while.

    We group our tests by who will use them, and which samples are needed:  

    “Female” STI test kits

    We have 3 STI tests for women:

    • Chlamydia and gonorrhoea
    • Trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhoea
    • Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV 

    These contain everything you need to take a swab from your vagina. The 4 in 1 test checks for HIV so you’ll also need to send a blood sample.  

    “Male” STI test kits

    We offer 3 STI test kits for men: 

    • Chlamydia and gonorrhoea
    • Trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhoea
    • Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV 

    These include a container to collect a wee (urine) sample. The 4 in 1 test also includes everything you need to collect a blood sample.  

    “Man to Man” STI test kits

    We have 3 STI test kits designed for men who have sex with men:

    • Chlamydia and gonorrhoea
    • Chlamydia, gonorrhoea and trichomonas
    • Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV 

    These tests contain a swab for your rectum, swab for the throat and a small container for a wee sample. The 4 in 1 test also includes a lancet so you can prick your finger and collect a blood sample.

    If you aren’t sure what kind of kit you need, perhaps if you’re a trans man or trans woman, one of our clinicians will let you know when they look at your questionnaire. 

    Our HIV tests

    We offer several different combinations of test that check for HIV, including a solo HIV test kit. Our HIV tests involve pricking your finger to provide a blood sample. Only a tiny amount of blood is needed, and it shouldn’t be painful.

    The type of HIV test we use can give two results: reactive or negative.

    • A reactive result means you may have HIV and you’ll need to have another blood test taken at your local clinic, to double check the result. If the result is reactive we'll discuss this with you and tell you what to do next.
    • A negative result means there is no sign of HIV in your body.

    When to take the test

    This test probably won’t pick up on the virus if you’ve been exposed to it in the last 45 days. You can still take a test within this time. If it comes up as negative, it’s a good idea to take another test once the 45 days have passed.

    What you need to take a test

    Our syphilis and HIV test kits contain everything you need for you to take a small amount of blood from your fingertip (a finger-prick test) 

    In other words, taking a test too early may result in an unreliable result. However, you can always take the test early – if you get a negative result, you can take a second one at a later date to be certain.

    How long do STI tests take?

    Collecting your samples for an STI test should take 5-10 minutes. For example you’ll usually need to swab your vagina for 30 seconds to collect a sample. 

    If you’re doing a test at home, you can speed up the process by:

    • Reading the instructions carefully
    • Having everything you need ready
    • Making sure you’re relaxed 

    If you need to take a blood sample for your STI test read our how to do a blood test at home article for more tips.  

    Are at home STI tests accurate?

    No test is 100% reliable, but our home test kits are very accurate at picking up infection. As long as the sample was taken correctly. A test can show you whether you’re STI-free or if you need further testing and treatment.

    An important thing to bear in mind is that different infections have different “window periods” when it comes to testing:

    • Chlamydia, trichomonas, and gonorrhoea can show as early as two weeks after exposure 
    • HIV can show up as early as 45 days after exposure 
    • Syphilis can show up 12 weeks after exposure

    Taking a test too early may mean you get an unreliable result. This doesn’t stop you from taking a test early. But if you get a negative result, you should do a second test at a later date.  

    How long do STI test results take?

    Your results will be ready within three days of the lab receiving your sample. You’ll get an email and text (if you’ve opted in) saying your results are ready to view in your Patient Record. If you haven’t received your results in seven days, let us know through your Patient Record. 

    Are my results confidential?  

    We’ve worked hard to ensure that the entire testing process is private and confidential. Our doctors will only ever contact you directly through your secure, password-protected Patient Record.

    Your GP doesn't have to know about your tests or results, we'll only let them know if you give us permission in your Patient Record. You can change this preference at any point. 

    We also make sure to send our tests in discreet packaging that doesn’t have any labelling related to sexual health or STIs.  

    Can I get treatment for STIs with Online Doctor?

    You can get treatment for STIs from us. You can order treatment for chlamydia, genital warts, and genital herpes using our discreet STI treatment service. However, we don’t provide treatment for all the infections we test for. 

    If you buy a test with us and get a positive result for chlamydia or trichomonas, we can supply free treatment – provided it is safe and appropriate for you to take this. If you test positive for other infections, we’ll advise you on where to get treatment.

    If you need treatment for genital herpes or genital warts, we might ask you for photos or further information so we can confirm the diagnosis.  

    Where else can I get tested for STIs?

    STI tests are available for free through the NHS. To get tested in person you can go to a sexual health or GUM clinic, as well as your GP. Testing is also available from some young people’s services, community contraception clinics, and pharmacies. 



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