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On this page

    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor terms and conditions

    On this page
    1. The Online Doctor Service
    2. Introduction and responsibilities
    3. 1. About us
    4. 2. How to contact us
    5. 3. Professional standards and qualifications
    6. 4. Privacy
    7. 5. Use of the Online Doctor Services outside of the United Kingdom
    8. 6. Our commitment to you
    9. 7. Your commitments when using the Online Doctor Service
    10. Ordering Medicines and Online Doctor Services
    11. 8. Information and advice
    12. 9. Other services
    13. 10. Pricing
    14. 11. Concluding a binding contract
    15. 12. Delivery costs
    16. 13. Payment and refunds
    17. 14. Authorisation of orders for medicines
    18. 15. Non-availability/substitutes
    19. 16. Delivery of orders
    20. 17. Collecting medicines/goods from a participating pharmacy
    21. 18. Collecting medicines/goods from a Evri ParcelShop
    22. 19. Notification of errors
    23. Cancellation rights
    24. 20. Prescription Medicines
    25. 21. Test kits
    26. 22. Other goods
    27. 23. Reasons why you cannot change your mind.
    28. 24. The deadline for changing your mind.
    29. 25. How to let us know.
    30. 26. You have to return the product at your own cost. 
    31. 27.We only refund the standard cost of delivering your items to you.
    32. 28. Why we may reduce your refund. 
    33. 29. When and how we refund you. 
    34. 30. Our right to cancel
    35. 31. Discounts
    36. 32. Faulty or damaged goods
    37. 33. Our liability to you
    38. 34. You have several options for resolving disputes with us
    39. 35. Other important terms apply to our contract

    This is not an emergency service and is not to be used if you are having a medical emergency.

    The following terms apply to use of the LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor Services from https://onlinedoctor.lloydspharmacy.com/. These are additional to and supplement our general website terms of use which also apply.

    These terms and conditions may be amended at any time, and the terms and conditions that apply for whenever you use our services will be those on the website at the time you used our services.

    The Online Doctor Service

    The LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor Services are provided by Expert Health Limited (we/us/our) trading as LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor. By using our Services you are confirming that you have carefully read, understand and agree to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions which cover all Services we provide.

    Throughout these terms and conditions, Services provided via any channel, including but not limited to our LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor website are referred to as “Online Doctor Services”, “our Services” or “the Services”.

    You should call 999 IMMEDIATELY in a critical or life-threatening situation, such as if you or someone has:

    • difficulty breathing;
    • severe bleeding and it can't be stopped;
    • severe chest pain;
    • a severe allergic reaction;
    • severe burns or scalds;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • major trauma such as the result of a serious road traffic accident, a stabbing, a shooting, a fall from height or a serious head injury; or
    • acute confused states and fits which aren't stopping,
    • or if you believe someone is having a heart attack or stroke;
    • suicide attempt by taking something or self harming

    These terms and conditions are legal binding and contain important information about your rights. You should print and keep a copy of them for your records.

    Introduction and responsibilities

    1. About us

    Expert Health Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 04058287. Expert Health Limited is registered for VAT with number 436478467. 

    Expert Health Limited’s registered office is at The Woods, Haywood Road, Warwick, CV34 5AH, United Kingdom and it also has a trading address at 50-54 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 2AU

    For healthcare regulatory purposes, the Online Doctor Service is overseen by our Registered Manager.

    2. How to contact us

    We can be contacted as follows:
    By message: via your Patient Record
    Phone: 020 7989 9888
    Expert Health Limited
    50-54 Wigmore Street
    W1U 2AU
    United Kingdom 

    3. Professional standards and qualifications

    Online Doctor Services involve the provision of information, advice, testing and treatment for a range of medical conditions. To ensure quality care, our clinicians will also follow up with some patients. Services are provided by qualified doctors and independent prescribing pharmacists (collectively ‘clinicians’) who are registered with the General Medical Council or the General Pharmaceutical Council in the UK. We are registered with the Care Quality Commission, the English independent healthcare regulator, under registration number 1-101725251. This registration permits us to prescribe medicines and provide testing services without meeting patients face to face. Additionally Expert Health Limited is registered with The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, the Northern Irish independent healthcare regulator, under registration number 11992. All of our clinicians comply with the requirements of their professional bodies, the standards set by the healthcare regulators we are registered with and, importantly, the General Medical Council guidelines on remote prescribing. Full details of our registrations and how we are regulated are here.

    4. Privacy

    How we use any personal data that you give to us is set out in our Privacy Notice.

    5. Use of the Online Doctor Services outside of the United Kingdom

    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor Services make no claims or representations that any or all of the content on this website, or the Online Doctor Services may be lawfully viewed, downloaded or used outside the United Kingdom. Unless otherwise expressly stated, the content, this website and the Online Doctor Service are directed solely at users who access the Service from within the United Kingdom. If you choose to use the Service from outside of the United Kingdom you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction. We provide our services in accordance with UK laws and regulations and cannot guarantee that this will comply with the rules of the country where you are located. If you are not a UK resident, then you must be located in the UK at the time of your medical consultation.

    6. Our commitment to you

    6.1    Each of our clinicians commits to:

    6.1.1    Professional responsibility
    Take professional responsibility for each patient who uses the Online Doctor Service to the same extent as a doctor would have responsibility when meeting a patient face to face.

    6.1.2    Compliance
    Provide a professional and transparent service that complies with the General Medical Council and the General Pharmaceutical Council Guidelines on remote prescribing, the Fundamental Standards as interpreted by England's healthcare inspectorate, the Care Quality Commission, and Northern Irelands inspectorate, the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority, and clinical best practice.

    6.1.3    Provide identification
    Volunteer their name and General Medical Council/General Pharmaceutical Council professional registration number when prescribing medicines and communicating with patients.

    6.1.4    Prescribe in the best interest of the patient
    Prescribe medicines only when, in their professional judgement, it is in the patient's best interests to receive the medicine prescribed and refuse to prescribe medicines when they believe it is not in the patient's best interests to receive medicines without the benefit of a face to face consultation.

    6.2    There are certain medicines that will not be issued by clinicians in any circumstances, which include:

    6.2.1    controlled medication, such as strong painkillers, anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics and

    6.2.2    medication that requires specialist prescribing and monitoring; and

    6.2.3    medication that needs to be administered by injection (other than those listed on our website).

    7. Your commitments when using the Online Doctor Service

    As the patient, you commit to:

    7.1    Accurate information
    Answer all questions truthfully and fully.

    7.2    Personal registration
    Not register more than once.

    7.3    Registration for someone other than yourself
    Not register or complete questionnaires on behalf of anyone other than yourself.

    7.4    Comply with instructions
    Read carefully, each message uploaded into your secure online patient record before taking any medicines that our clinicians have prescribed and comply with any instructions given for each medicine. If you are uncertain as to how to use a testing kit or take any medicine that we have provided to you, you must contact us and you must not use the kit or medicine until you have sufficient information from us and understand the correct instructions.

    7.5    Decisions at Online Doctor Services
    Accept the Online Doctor Service decision when our clinician determines that it is not in your best interests to receive any requested medicine without the benefit of a face to face consultation.
    7.6    Abusive Behaviour

    Treat our clinicians and staff with respect. We do not tolerate abusive behaviour. In the event of such behaviour we are within our rights to deactivate your patient record. 

    7.7    Notify your GP
    With your consent and provided you send us in writing the name and contact information of your GP, we will always offer to inform your GP of any medicines that our clinicians prescribe. For select services we are obliged to notify your GP of the treatment we provide to you. However, we will always offer to notify your GP of any medicines that we have prescribed, but if you do not consent to us contacting your GP, it is your responsibility to notify your GP. If you decide not to notify your GP, it is important that you keep a record of any medicines that we have prescribed.

    Please note that in emergency situations, we may need to contact a healthcare professional, social services or the emergency services without your consent, regardless of whether or not you have refused your consent for us to notify your GP. This includes, but is not limited to, situations where we may believe that you are, or someone else is:

    7.7.1    at risk of neglect, sexual, physical or emotional abuse; 

    7.7.2    a serious crime has occurred or may occur; 

    7.7.3    we consider that someone may be at risk of significant harm or serious addiction as a result of the information we receive; 

    7.7.4    if we have significant concerns about your health and/or wellbeing; or 

    7.7.5    where this is otherwise required by law.

    7.8    Protect medicines
    Ensure that no-one other than yourself has access to any medicines that we make available to you.

    7.9    Expiry date
    Ensure that any medicines prescribed in advance of need are not used beyond their expiry date.

    7.10    Notify side-effects
    Inform us via your online patient record if you experience any side-effects from any medicines we make available to you or if you think that any medicine we made available to you has not been effective.

    Ordering Medicines and Online Doctor Services

    8. Information and advice

    8.1    The information and advice provided by Online Doctor Service is based on the information you supply to us. It is your responsibility to ensure this. You accept that failure to provide information that is correct and complete (whether intentionally or not) will affect the information and advice we give to you and the medicines we supply to you and, as such, may have consequences for which we are not responsible. 

    8.2    We aim to respond to all requests for information and advice within two business days – business days being Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

    8.3    Follow up:
    8.3.1    Our clinical team may contact you to check how you are getting on after using the service.
    8.3.2    One of our team may also contact you for feedback about your service experience to help us improve to ensure we meet your needs.

    8.4    From time to time we use anonymised or pseudonymised information (this means it is impossible to identify individuals) to carry out an evaluation of our service, to report on and improve the standards of clinical care and service we provide, and to help inform good clinical practice.

    9. Other services

    9.1    Testing services
    9.1.1    Testing services cover only those conditions and infections that are specified for that particular testing service on this website. In particular, any testing services reliant upon a urine sample or a vaginal swab will not detect any infections in the throat or anus. All tests that are offered through this website are from reputable laboratories and are of the standards expected for the clinical purpose but as with all tests, no test can be 100% accurate and all tests are subject to a ‘window period’. The ‘window period’ for each test is made clear on the website.
    9.1.2    All diagnostic laboratories, point of care test providers and non-NHS testing services are required by law to report test results to PHE. 

    9.2    Subscription plans
    9.2.1    By signing up to one of our subscription plans, you agree to be charged the repeat payment of the specified amount from the payment card that you used when signing up to the Service. This is known as a Continuous Payment Authority. If your payment fails and you do not update your card details when prompted to do so, your plan will automatically terminate. 
    9.2.2    You can cancel your plan at any time by contacting our Patient Advisory Team and you will not be charged a cancellation fee. However, if your treatment has already been sent out when you attempt to cancel, you will still be charged for that treatment. 
    9.2.3    Our clinicians have the right to review your suitability for your subscription plan at any given time and can terminate your plan if they deem you unsuitable for the service. 
    9.2.4    You must complete a clinical review either every six months or every year depending on the plan you have signed up for. If you do not complete the review before your next treatment is due, your plan will be automatically terminated and you will be notified of this.
    9.3    All treatments issued under a subscription plan are delivered via the Evri standard delivery service (unless otherwise specified in relation to the plan).

    10. Pricing

    All prices on our website are in pounds sterling and include VAT unless expressly stated otherwise. We take care to ensure that all pricing information on our website is accurate but occasionally there may be an error. If an error has occurred and the price charged is too high, we will identify all those that have overpaid and refund the difference.

    11. Concluding a binding contract

    When we receive an order from you to purchase goods or services from us, we will confirm that we have received the order by sending a confirmation email to the contact email address that you supplied. Your order is an offer to purchase an item and will not be binding on us until we either prescribe your medicine, dispatch a test kit or other goods, or otherwise commence a clinical service, whichever occurs first. Professional codes of conduct and legal restrictions may limit the number and frequency of any item we are permitted to supply to you and, as such, we have no obligation to supply quantities exceeding the relevant permitted maximum and will charge only for those we do supply. We reserve the right to reject any order.

    12. Delivery costs

    Patients can choose between next-day delivery charged at £4.95, or FREE Standard Delivery for test kits, goods or medicines that are sent in the post.

    13. Payment and refunds

    In providing payment card details, you confirm that you are authorised to use the card and authorise us, or our payment service provider, to take payment in full for the items in your order and any associated delivery fees and any other charges that become due to us under these terms and conditions. The transaction will appear on your bank or card statement as 'Lloyds Online'.

    Refunds, if applicable, will only be made using the payment gateway (e.g. Sagepay) to the card originally used for payment. Refunds may take up to five working days to appear on a card statement.

    All of our prescriptions are valid for six months from the prescription date. When you place an order for a medicine and nominate a pharmacy for collection, if our clinicians approve your order and prescribe, you must collect the medicine within six months. After this time, you will not be entitled to a refund.

    If you choose to pay via PayPal, then your use of the PayPal service is governed by the PayPal user agreement in force from time to time. Please refer to the PayPal user agreement for details of the terms and conditions applicable to payments and refunds processed through PayPal.

    14. Authorisation of orders for medicines

    Our clinicians can only make a decision as to whether it is in the best interests of the patient to receive a medicine when the clinician has all relevant information. On occasion, this may require the clinician to ask the patient for additional information further to the information that was provided in response to an online questionnaire.

    15. Non-availability/substitutes

    If a patient’s chosen pharmacy is unable to fulfil a prescription or supply goods ordered, we will contact the patient to agree an alternative pharmacy that we have already identified as having the item available.  The original prescription/order will be revoked, and a new prescription/order will be sent to the new pharmacy.

    16. Delivery of orders

    We will dispense all medicines and supply all goods. Medicines and goods for delivery by post will be dispatched normally within one working day of the clinician authorising the supply of the medicine. 

    Most medicines and goods for delivery by post are sent out using our delivery partner Evri within one to two working days (next-day delivery) or three to five working days (standard delivery). Delivery time frames are based on the time orders are approved by our clinical team, please see below for delivery cut off information.

    If you’re not present when Evri deliver your treatment, they will:

    • post your parcel through your letter box
    • deliver to neighbour
    • deliver to your chosen safe place

    If none of these options are feasible, Evri will attempt to deliver to you twice more, on consecutive working days.

    Please note, if you choose to have your order delivered to a neighbour or left in a safe place it is your sole responsibility to ensure that the persons accepting the delivery on your behalf, delivers the medicines/goods to you. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that the safe place you’ve chosen is secure and out of public view.

    Please also note that if you choose to divert your order to a ParcelShop, the order may be delayed by up to 72 hours.

    We have no responsibility to you if your order is stolen, damaged, lost or opened without your consent as a result of your safe place/deliver to neighbour/deliver to ParcelShop preferences and providing that Evri have provided proof of delivery. We will not issue a refund in any such case.

    By selecting delivery, you acknowledge and agree that parcels may be posted through your letterbox if they meet the size requirements. Once the parcel has been delivered through the letterbox, Online Doctor is not liable for any loss, theft, or damage to the parcel. It is your responsibility to ensure that your letterbox is secure and that no harm (for example to the parcel itself or to a child) will result from delivery using that method.

    Treatments for next-day delivery
    Mainland UK 

    • Orders approved before 5pm Monday-Friday will arrive the next day (Tuesday - Saturday).
    • Orders approved up to 12pm Sunday will arrive on Monday.
    • Orders approved after 12pm Sunday will arrive Tuesday.

    Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Scottish Highlands, Channel Islands and other off sure UK destinations

    • Unfortunately there are some locations where we can't offer next-day delivery, see if your location is affected here.
    • Please allow an additional 24 to 48 hours for off shore UK destinations
    • Your order may be delivered by an alternative courier

    Bank Holidays

    • Please note there will be delivery delays to all treatments over public holidays  
    • Due to specific time sensitive medications, some services may not be available over Bank Holidays. 
    • Treatments will be severely limited over Easter and Christmas  

    Test kits

    • Our test kits are sent via Royal Mail using either Next-Day Delivery or FREE Standard Delivery. 
    • Those opting for Next-Day delivery need to have their order approved before 1pm to receive it the next day. Orders placed after 1pm on Friday or over the weekend will be delivered within two working days. 
    • Select ‘Next-Day Delivery’ at your online checkout and note that a £4.95 charge will be added for this service. 
    • Those opting for FREE Standard Delivery will receive their test kit within 3-5 working days following order placement. Select ‘Standard Delivery (3-5 days)’ at your online checkout for this delivery method. 

    All packaging is discreet and test kits do not need to be signed for on arrival. 


    Mounjaro® requires cold storage during transportation (2-8 degrees Celsius) and, if available, will be dispatched Sunday - Friday only for next day delivery.

    • Order before 5pm for next day delivery.
    • Orders approved after 5pm will be delivered in two working days.
    • Orders approved after 5pm on Friday up to midday Sunday will be dispatched for delivery on Monday.
    • Orders approved from midday Sunday to 5pm Monday will be delivered on Tuesday.

    We use packaging that keeps your treatment at the right temperature for up to 36 hours during transit. If cold storage is disrupted during the delivery process, the medication can still be used for up to 30 days. Once you have received your medication it is important you keep it stored in the fridge.

    Mounjaro® must be delivered to your home address to ensure safe storage as soon as possible. Please follow the tracking information provided by Evri to make sure you are available for delivery. LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor cannot take any responsibility for lost or stolen parcels once delivery has taken place, and no refunds will be issued.  

    Please do not use a pharmacy address. It is likely your delivery will be rejected or disposed of. No refunds will be issued if this happens. 

    Please do not order Mounjaro® if your delivery address is in the Channel Islands, Scottish Highlands, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man or other UK offshore areas. Mounjaro® must stay refrigerated in transit and delivery to these areas will be delayed. Unfortunately, you won't be able to safely use the full dose of the prescribed treatment. If you proceed, your order will be cancelled and refunded.


    Saxenda® requires cold storage during transportation (2-8 degrees Celsius) and, if available, will be dispatched Monday to Thursday only for next-day delivery. Orders approved after 5pm on Thursday will be dispatched the following Monday.

    We use packaging that keeps your treatment at the right temperature for up to 36 hours during transit. Please do not order Saxenda® for delivery if your address is in one of these locations as we cannot guarantee timely delivery and we will not issue a refund or replacement if your treatment is delayed in transit.

    Saxenda® must be delivered to your home address to ensure safe storage as soon as possible. Please follow the tracking information provided by Evri to make sure you are available for delivery. 


    Wegovy® requires cold storage during transportation (2-8 degrees Celsius) and, if available, will be dispatched Sunday - Friday only for next day delivery.

    • Order before 5pm for next day delivery.
    • Orders approved after 5pm will be delivered in two working days.
    • Orders approved after 5pm on Friday up to midday Sunday will be dispatched for delivery on Monday.
    • Orders approved from midday Sunday to 5pm Monday will be delivered on Tuesday.

    We use packaging that keeps your treatment at the right temperature for up to 36 hours during transit. If cold storage is disrupted during the delivery process, the medication will be able to be used for up to six weeks.

    Once you have received your medication it is important you keep it stored in the fridge.

    Wegovy® must be delivered to your home address to ensure safe storage as soon as possible. Please follow the tracking information provided by Evri to make sure you are available for delivery.  Please do not use a pharmacy address. It is likely your delivery will be rejected or disposed of. No refunds will be issued if this happens. 

    If you live in Northern Ireland, it is important that you know that Wegovy® will be prescribed for you off label. This means the manufacturers have not licenced the use of Wegovy® in Northern Ireland yet.

    We will still ensure Wegovy® is safe for you to take according to the guidelines we use in Great Britain.

    Routine contraception

    Next-day delivery orders: 

    • Orders approved before 5pm Monday to Friday will arrive the next day
    • Orders approved Saturday and up to midday Sunday will arrive on Monday

    Standard delivery orders:

    • All orders are delivered via the Evri standard delivery service

    Please expect orders to be delivered within 2-3 days allowing additional time for orders placed at weekends and over Bank Holidays.


    Next-day delivery orders:

    • Orders approved before 5pm Monday to Friday will arrive the next day
    • Orders approved before 3pm Saturday and Sunday will arrive the next day

    Delivery of this medication will be unavailable during Bank Holidays. 

    Emergency contraception

    Next-day delivery orders:

    • Orders approved before 5pm Monday to Friday will arrive the next day
    • Orders approved before 3pm Saturday and Sunday will arrive the next day

    Delivery of this medication will be unavailable during Bank Holidays. 

    For patients ordering through Sexual Health London Service the following applies:

    Emergency contraception
    Next-day delivery orders:

    • Orders approved before 4pm Monday to Friday will arrive the next day

    • Orders approved before 3pm Saturday and Sunday will arrive the next day

    Routine contraception
    Standard delivery orders   

    All orders are delivered via the Evri standard delivery service.

    Please expect orders to be delivered within 2-3 days allowing additional time for orders placed at weekends and over Bank Holidays. 

    For Chlamydia treatment

    • Orders approved before 4pm Monday to Friday will arrive the next day

    • Orders approved before 3pm Saturday and Sunday will arrive on Tuesday

    Bank Holidays

    • Please note there will be delivery delays to all treatments over public holidays. 
    • Due to the specific time sensitivity of emergency contraception delivery will not be available on all public holiday weekends. 
    • Treatments will be severely limited over Easter and Christmas. 

    17. Collecting medicines/goods from a participating pharmacy

    If you opt to collect your medicines from a participating pharmacy, before doing so you need to check your online patient record to ensure a clinician has approved your medicine. You also need to telephone the pharmacy to check they have the medicine in stock. 

    Please be aware that if there are availability issues at your nominated pharmacy, it may not be possible to pick up your approved medicines on the same day as you ordered them.

    18. Collecting medicines/goods from a Evri ParcelShop

    Evri will let you know when your order is on its way. Log into the Evri app and select your preferred collection point - you’ll need to do this for each treatment delivery. 

    Standard click and collect:

    • Free
    • Delivery in 2-3 working days

    Next day click and collect:

    • £2.95
    • Delivered Next Day if approved before 5pm Monday - Friday
    • Delivered Monday if approved after 5pm Friday up to 12pm Sunday 
    • Delivered Tuesday if approved after 12pm on Sunday

    For emergency contraception and cystitis 

    • ParcelShop collection will not be available from Friday 5pm up to Saturday 3pm.
    • Orders approved before 5pm Monday to Friday will be available to collect at your chosen ParcelShop next day.
    • Orders approved up to 3pm Sunday will be available to collect at your chosen ParcelShop on Monday.

    19. Notification of errors

    You should check the content of each delivery promptly upon receipt. If you believe that items have been sent to you in error you should contact us immediately via your online patient record.

    Cancellation rights

    You have a statutory ‘cooling-off’ right which entitles you to cancel your order within 14 days of delivery of the goods in your order (certain exceptions apply) or within 14 days of the date of any agreement to provide Services to you. You also have rights in respect of items that are damaged on receipt or faulty. Details of these rights and how to exercise these rights are set out in the email we send to you to confirm your order and below.

    All cancellations must be received and reviewed by us because given the nature of the goods or medicines we may deliver to you it is not always possible for us to accept your cancellation request.

    20. Prescription Medicines

    The statutory “cooling off” right does not apply to the supply of prescription medicines and the supply of other medicines by a health care professional as part of a health service. When you place an order for medicines or take up a service that involves the prescribing of medicines this will require us to perform an assessment of your clinical suitability for the medicines before they can be approved for supply (“Clinical Assessment”). When you place an order, you agree to us commencing this Clinical Assessment and once this Clinical Assessment has been completed, you will have no legal right to cancel your order.

    Examples of this service are: vaccination services and prescription services or medicated weight loss injection treatments including Saxenda®, Wegovy® and Mounjaro®.

    21. Test kits

    For unused postal test kits and goods that do not require a prescription, you can change your mind and cancel your order provided you do so within 14 days of delivery; we may not refund you in full (please see paragraph 28 below). For orders containing multiple goods/test kit items, this will be within 14 days of delivery of the last test kit or goods item.

    Examples of these test kits are: STI, COVID-19 or blood test kits.

    22. Other goods

    For goods that do not require a prescription or consultation, you have the right to cancel your order within 14 days of receipt.

    For orders with multiple goods items, this will be within 14 days of delivery of the last test kit or goods item. 

    23. Reasons why you cannot change your mind.

    You cannot change your mind about any order for items which are sealed for health protection or hygiene reasons once these have been unsealed after delivery to you, for example where a test kit has been tampered with following delivery i.e. it has been used or opened. We will not be able to accept any returns or issue refunds for such test kits.

    24. The deadline for changing your mind.

    If you change your mind about a product that is not a prescription or a pharmacy medicine you must let us know no later than 14 days after the day we deliver it. If your purchase is split into several deliveries over different days, the period runs from the day after the last delivery. If you change your mind about a service, you must let us know no later than 14 days after the day on which you ordered it or, if later, the day on which we confirm acceptance of your order.

    25. How to let us know.

    To let us know you want to change your mind, contact our Patient Advisory Team or through your secure online Patient Record.

    26. You have to return the product at your own cost. 

    You have to return your product to us within 14 days of your telling us you have changed your mind. Returns are at your own cost. You should return a prescription product/medicine to any pharmacy for destruction. Please use the returns envelope supplied a test kit to return a test kit. Any other product, please return to LPOD Rx, Mezzanine Floor, AAH, Woburn Road Winwick Quay, Warrington WA2 8UH.

    27.We only refund the standard cost of delivering your items to you.

    We do not refund any extra you have paid for express delivery or delivery at a particular time and we do not refund the cost of returning items to us.

    28. Why we may reduce your refund. 

    If you cancel an order for our products or services after we have provided any form of Clinical Assessment but before medication has been sent to you, we may charge you our standard administration fee to cover the costs of that Clinical Assessment. Your refund will be reduced by this amount.

    If you handle any over the counter product in a way which would not be acceptable in-store, we reduce your refund, to compensate us for its reduced value. For example, we reduce your refund if the product's condition is not "as new", price tags have been removed, the product-branded packaging is damaged or accessories are missing. In some cases, because of the way you have treated the product, no refund may be due.

    29. When and how we refund you. 

    If you tell us you have changed your mind about an item that has not been delivered we refund you as soon as possible and within 14 days.

    If you are sending an item back to us, we refund you within 14 days of receiving it (or receiving evidence you have sent it to us). 

    If you cancel a service before we have started to provide this to you we refund you within 14 days of receiving your cancellation request.

    We refund you by the method you used for payment. We do not charge a fee for the refund. You will see the transaction as “Lloyds Online” on your bank or card statement.

    30. Our right to cancel

    30.1    It is at our clinicians’ discretion to provide treatment to you. Where a clinician refuses to administer any treatment requested, your patient record will be updated with a full explanation as to why this has been refused. You can obtain a copy of your patient record at any time on request.

    In these circumstance where payment has been taken, we will issue a refund to you to the payment card that you used for the original transaction.

    30.2    Wegovy® Saxenda® and Mounjaro®
    When we provide a Clinical Assessment to you for the prescription of Wegovy® Saxenda® or Mounjaro® a condition of issuing a first prescription to you is that you submit to us a video demonstrating your BMI in accordance with the instructions that we provide to you. You will be required to resubmit your BMI video every 12 months whilst receiving this treatment. We take payment for the Wegovy® Saxenda® or Mounjaro® prescription before the video is submitted and the prescription will be issued to our warehouse on receipt of payment. If you do not submit your BMI video to us within 6 months of your Clinical Assessment your prescription will expire or be cancelled and you will not be entitled to a refund. If your BMI Video (when assessed by our clinicians) demonstrates that you are not eligible for Wegovy® Saxenda® or Mounjaro® we will issue to you a full refund of the fee.

    30.3    In other circumstances we may not be able to accept your order for example where:
    30.3.1    There is no availability of the medicines you require;
    30.3.2    You are not eligible to use our services;
    30.3.3    There is an issue with us taking your payment; or 
    30.3.4    The pricing provided by us is incorrect.

    In these circumstances, where payment has been taken, we will issue a refund to you to the payment card that you used for the original transaction.  

    31. Discounts

    From time to time we will run promotional offers and discounts on our services. Unless otherwise stated:

    • Discounts cannot be applied retrospectively- you can only claim the discounts during the time of the promotion and not before or after 
    • We reserve the right to withdraw such offers at any time
    • We reserve the right to amend the discounts or the terms and conditions applicable to that promotional offer where we consider it reasonable and necessary to do so.

    32. Faulty or damaged goods

    If you believe that test kits or goods that we have supplied to you are damaged or faulty in some way please contact us as soon as possible after delivery so we can discuss the issue with you.

    33. Our liability to you

    33.1    We accept full clinical responsibility for all our patients to the full extent that the law requires. We will not be liable for any loss or damage (in contract negligence or otherwise) where:
    33.1.1    There is no breach of a legal duty of care owed to you by us or;
    33.1.2    The loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach or;
    33.1.3    Any loss or damage or increased risk of loss or damage results from a breach by you of these Terms and Conditions.
    33.2    We are not responsible for:
    33.2.1    loss or damage caused by you providing inaccurate or incomplete information;
    33.2.2    loss of your emotional well-being including, but not limited to, any embarrassment caused;
    33.2.3    loss or damage relating to your trade, business, craft or profession; or
    33.2.4    losses suffered by third parties.
    33.3    Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects your statutory rights.

    34. You have several options for resolving disputes with us

    34.1    Our complaints policy. Our Customer Service Team: they will do their best to resolve any problems you have with us or our products.

    34.2    You can go to court. These terms are governed by English law and wherever you live you can bring claims against us in the English courts. If you live in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, you can also bring claims against us in the courts of the country you live in. We can claim against you in the courts of the country you live in.

    35. Other important terms apply to our contract

    35.1    We can transfer our contract with you, so that a different organisation is responsible for supplying your product. We will tell you in writing if this happens and we will ensure that the transfer will not affect your rights under the contract.

    35.2    Nobody else has any rights under this contract. This contract is between you and us. Nobody else can enforce it and neither of us will need to ask anybody else to sign-off on ending or changing it.

    35.3    If a court invalidates some of this contract, the rest of it will still apply. If a court or other authority decides that some of these terms are unlawful, the rest will continue to apply.

    35.4    Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. We might not immediately chase you for not doing something (like paying) or for doing something you are not allowed to, but that does not mean we cannot do it later.

    35.5    We can change these terms. We can make changes to these terms and conditions for example to deal with any change in the law or in relation to our business. The new version will be posted on the website and will take effect immediately on posting.


    Page updated: 07/10/2024
    Previous update: 17/07/2024

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