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Occupational health vaccinations and tests

Occupational health is about staying well at work. If your job puts you at risk of cuts that may be exposed to soil or dirt, or you regularly vaccinate, take blood or come into contact with bodily fluids, our service can offer peace of mind. Protect yourself and your staff against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and polio in one place.

Occupational health is about staying well at work. If your job puts you at risk of cuts that may be exposed to soil or dirt, or you regularly vaccinate, take blood or come into contact with bodily fluids, our service can offer peace of mind. Protect yourself and your staff against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus and polio in one place.

Occupational health advise and tests

Showing 2 of 2
  • Hepatitis B immunity test

    Easy, reliable test-at-home kit

    Results available in 3 days of the lab receiving your test

    Hepatitis B immunity test - Occupational health service
    Pack size
  • Free medical advice on hepatitis B

    Advice from GMC and GPhC registered clinicians

    Free, confidential service

    Free medical advice on hepatitis B - Occupational health service
    Pack size

How our vaccination service works

  1. Online
  2. Complete our simple, confidential online consultation

    5 mins

  3. One of our clinicians confirms your suitability and notifies you by email

    About 30 mins

    Mon - Sun 9am -5pm

  4. Phone
  5. Contact your chosen pharmacy to book an appointment

    Call during opening hours

  6. Pharmacy
  7. Go to the pharmacy for your vaccination

  1. Online
  2. Phone
  3. Pharmacy

What our patients say

Occupational health vaccines

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On this page

    About occupational health vaccinations

    On this page

    Available occupational health vaccinations & tests

    We offer hepatitis B vaccinations, boosters, immunity tests and free advice. We also offer a vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and polio for people whose work puts them at risk of cuts or wounds which could get contaminated.

    Occupational health treatment eligibility

    If you're over 18 and your job or lifestyle puts you at risk of infection, you can request treatment using this service. All tests, vaccinations and treatments are confidential – we will only inform your GP if you ask us to.

    Offers for employers

    If you are an employer wanting to protect your employees from hepatitis B or other infectious occupational hazards, contact us for more information on 020 7989 9888.

    Our occupational health clinic

    Request the service or treatment you need, and complete a short medical questionnaire. We will use this information to ensure that the service or treatment you have requested is suitable and safe. If you are, you'll receive a message in your Patient Record about how to access your treatment or test.

    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

    This service operates in the United Kingdom only

    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

    This service operates in the United Kingdom only

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    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

    This service operates in the Republic of Ireland only

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