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    Hepatitis B vaccine

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    If suitable, we can prescribe a course of three vaccines that you'll receive over six months at a vaccinating LloydsPharmacy.

    About hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is a highly infectious virus that can cause flu-like symptoms, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), tummy pain, diarrhoea, feeling and being sick, and a loss of appetite. 

    It's spread through blood and bodily fluids and treatment depends on how long you have had the virus for. This is why healthcare workers and other at-risk groups, e.g. prison staff, police, those who travel a lot to high-risk areas, are all advised to get protected. The best way to protect against hepatitis B is to get a vaccination., and stay up-to-date with vaccines.

    How the hep B vaccine works

    The vaccine consists of three separate injections given on three separate occasions (at zero, one month and six months).

    The vaccine stimulates the body's immune system to fight a possible hepatitis B infection without causing the disease itself. It cannot protect you from hepatitis B if you are already infected. It also cannot protect you against any other type of liver infection, or other types of hepatitis.


    After receiving the third and final injection over 90% of people should be protected against hepatitis B for at least five years. Four weeks after completing the course of three injections you may wish to undergo a blood test to check that you are immune.

    Side effects

    Most patients experience no side effects from this vaccine. However, you may experience pain, swelling or reddening of the skin at the injection site, fatigue, headache, mild fever, nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite and diarrhoea.

    Risk of severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)

    All LloydsPharmacy staff who provide this service are trained to manage anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine. Symptoms of anaphylaxis can include fainting, shortness of breath, falling blood pressure and swelling of the face and neck. Anaphylaxis is extremely rare after receiving the injection.

    Getting the vaccine

    Request the vaccine and complete your confidential online questionnaire. One of our clinicians will check your suitability and contact you via your Patient Record. Once approved, you can select at which LloydsPharmacy store you would like to be vaccinated and call to book your appointment.

    The vaccine comes as one injection, usually given in the upper arm.

    Find the right occupational health vaccine for you
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    How our vaccination service works

    1. Online
    2. Complete our simple, confidential online consultation

      5 mins

    3. One of our clinicians confirms your suitability and notifies you by email

      About 30 mins

      Mon - Sun 9am -5pm

    4. Phone
    5. Contact your chosen pharmacy to book an appointment

      Call during opening hours

    6. Pharmacy
    7. Go to the pharmacy for your vaccination

    1. Online
    2. Phone
    3. Pharmacy

    What our patients say

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