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On this page

    What services can be provided through a VideoGP consultation?

    On this page
    1. What is VideoGP?
    2. Who can see a video GP?
    3. What health conditions can a video GP treat?
    4. What other services can VideoGP provide?

    Reviewed by our clinical team

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    If you’re thinking of signing up for VideoGP but you’re not sure it’s right for your needs, read on. We’ve answered some common questions about what services we can provide – in short, it’s almost all of them!

    What is VideoGP?

    VideoGP is service that works in the same way as a traditional GP service – the key difference is that your 10-minute consultation takes place by video call, through our app, instead of in person.

    Our clinical team is made up of NHS-experienced GPs who are able to offer the same level of medical care that you would get from a face-to-face appointment.

    Key benefits of using VideoGP include:

    • Same-day appointments, often available within 30 minutes 
    • Speaking to a GP from the comfort of your own home 
    • Getting prescription medication delivered to your address 
    • No need to travel to the GP surgery or pharmacy

    All of your patient information, including consultation notes, and photos, will be held securely in your confidential Patient Record. You’ll be able to access your record and make appointments 24/7.

    Who can see a video GP?

    Anyone can use the Online Doctor VideoGP app, provided you’re over 18 and living in the UK. You won’t be able to create an account or use your account on behalf of another person – for example your child, or an elderly relative.

    What health conditions can a video GP treat?

    Our doctors are experienced GPs who will carry out the same kind of consultation you’d receive in person from your normal NHS surgery. That means they’re equipped to treat and advise on almost any condition you’d normally visit your GP for, including:

    • Allergies 
    • Sinus infections 
    • Urinary tract infections 
    • Thrush 
    • Acne 
    • Rashes 
    • Migraines 
    • Mental health concerns 
    • Diet/weight  
    • Exercise

    If you’re having visible symptoms, for example a rash or swelling you can submit photos through our secure online system before your consultation. This means your GP will be able to get a closer look before the call.

    Because of the limitations of a remote appointment, there are some conditions that we won’t be able to treat, and certain medications we won’t be able to prescribe – click here for a full list.

    What other services can VideoGP provide?

    In addition to providing easy online GP consultations over your smartphone, VideoGP also offers the following: 

    Prescription medication delivered the next day (if needed)
    If your VideoGP thinks that you need a prescription, they can organise for your medication to be delivered directly to your door the very next day. This means you won’t have to visit the pharmacy to get your prescription – ideal if you’re busy with home commitments or have an illness that means you can’t leave the house.

    Fit notes (often called ‘sick notes’)
    If you’ve been off work for more than seven days due to sickness, your employer will usually ask for a fit note from a GP or a hospital doctor. This is where your doctor assesses you to decide whether or not you’re fit for work. Our VideoGPs can issue a (private) fit note if you need one.

    Referrals to specialists
    As with a traditional GP appointment, your VideoGP doctor will refer you to a specialist if they think you need specialist care. This will be a private referral. If you don't have private health insurance we will ask your GP to consider referring you on the NHS.

    Authors and editors

    • Reviewed and updated by

      Dr Tatjana Street
      GMC number: 4569536
      Date reviewed: 8th December 2021

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