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Stop smoking aids

Nearly 50% of long-term smokers will die prematurely of a smoking-related disease. For smokers looking for effective ways to quit, we can prescribe stop smoking tablets to help you stop smoking for good.

Nearly 50% of long-term smokers will die prematurely of a smoking-related disease. For smokers looking for effective ways to quit, we can prescribe stop smoking tablets to help you stop smoking for good.

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Champix is long-term out of stock. We offer Varenicline, which works in the same way as Champix, and Cytisine, another stop smoking tablet.

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On this page

    Stop smoking treatments

    On this page

    How do stop smoking tablets work?

    Varenicline works in the same way as Champix – it reduces the cravings and withdrawal symptoms that occur when you stop smoking. For best effect, a 12-week course should be completed.

    Cytisine reduces the urge to smoke by ‘tricking’ your brain into thinking you’ve had a cigarette. It also relieves cravings and withdrawal symptoms. The standard course treatment is 25 days. 

    What are the side effects of stop smoking tablets?

    There are side effects associated with stop smoking tablets. Read about the side effects of varenicline here, and the side effects of cytisine here.

    We will assess your suitability for a prescription  when you request the treatment. If you have any concerns, contact us via your Patient Record or speak to your GP.  

    What happens when you stop smoking

    Quitting can be challenging, but the benefits to your body and health are significant. Smoking is the cause of 20% of all adult deaths in England. It's also proven to contribute to heart disease, lung cancer and stroke.

    Once you stop smoking, your risk of developing long-term illness decreases, your breathing can improve, and you may find you have more energy. You'll also protect the health of those around you by not exposing them to second-hand smoke. 

    Our stop smoking clinic

    Request a treatment and answer a few questions for us to check clinical suitability. If approved, we will make a pack available for you to start your course.

    Doctor's stop smoking advice

    Our stop smoking treatments can help you quit smoking by reducing cravings and relieving withdrawal symptoms, but the most successful quitters are motivated to stop.

    Willpower is particularly important in social situations, like when you're out for drinks. You may want to improve your health, improve your chances of having a family, or save money. Taking up a new hobby or making plans for when your course is over could help you stay focused. 

    Stop smoking support

    Telling your friends, colleagues and family that you're trying to quit can significantly support you. Ask them not to smoke around you and find other ways to take breaks at work or socialise, like going to the cinema or going on a walk.

    Hypnotherapy, acupuncture, or counselling are common non-medicinal alternatives to quitting smoking that work for many people.

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