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    Pregnancy and postpartum hair loss

    On this page
    1. Causes of hair loss during pregnancy
    2. Is hair loss a sign of early pregnancy?
    3. Is hair loss common in new mums?
    4. What causes postpartum hair loss?
    5. Is postpartum hair loss normal?
    6. How long does postpartum hair loss last for?
    7. How to deal with postpartum hair loss
    8. Other causes of hair loss in women
    9. Conclusion

    Reviewed by our clinical team

    During pregnancy, hair loss is quite unusual as hair growth can increase. Sometimes hair loss does happen due to a vitamin or iron deficiency.

    After giving birth, it’s common for women to lose more hair than usual for up to three months. This is usually due to the extra hair grown during pregnancy. 

    In this article, we will explore the causes of hair loss during pregnancy, postpartum hair loss, and other causes of hair loss in women. 

    Pregnancy And Postpartum Hair Loss

    Causes of hair loss during pregnancy

    It is normal to lose 50-100 hairs per day. If you notice more than what is normal for you during pregnancy, or hair falling out in clumps, it could be one of these reasons:

    Thyroid problems

    The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck that is responsible for producing hormones that your body needs to work. If the thyroid is underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism) this can cause a range of symptoms, including hair loss. Find out more in our thyroid and hair loss article.  

    Iron deficiency

    During pregnancy, the volume of blood in the body increases, meaning that the amount of iron required is greater. Iron deficiency is a common cause of anaemia during pregnancy. Symptoms include:

    • Fatigue
    • Shortness of breath
    • Headaches
    • Restless legs
    • Hair loss

    Stopping oral contraceptive pill

    Hair loss can be caused by changes in hormone levels. Oestrogen levels drop during pregnancy which triggers hair loss. These levels can also drop when you stop taking the pill.  

    Is hair loss a sign of early pregnancy?

    If you are trying to conceive or think you might be pregnant, then you might be looking for early signs of pregnancy. Hair loss isn't a sign of early pregnancy.

    Is hair loss common in new mums?

    Postpartum hair loss, also known as telogen effluvium, is quite common and reported to affect 40% of women in the three months following their child’s birth. Anecdotally, the percentage of mothers who experience some degree of hair loss is believed to be higher.

    What causes postpartum hair loss?

    Postpartum hair loss is caused by hormonal changes after having given birth. Your oestrogen levels plummet and this can trigger hair loss. Your hair transitions from the resting phase to the falling out phase quicker than normal, leading to an increased amount of hair loss between two and four months postpartum. Most women will only lose the extra hair they've grown during pregnancy, but it can look quite alarming. 

    Is postpartum hair loss normal?

    Hair loss is a normal part of the postpartum cycle and is experienced by many new mums. In fact, 4 out of 10 new mums will experience hair loss in the first 3 months after having their baby.

    It occurs due to the fluctuation in hormones after pregnancy. These changes cause the hair to move from the anagen (growth) phase to the telogen (shedding) phase, resulting in excessive shedding of the hair.

    How long does postpartum hair loss last for?

    Many new mums will experience noticeable hair loss after giving birth. It usually occurs around three months postpartum but is temporary. Some research suggests hair loss rarely continues beyond 15 months of having a baby. 

    Dr Neel Patel:

    “A variant of telogen effluvium is associated with pregnancy and usually occurs two to five months after childbirth.” 

    The stages of hair growth 

    StageKey factsApprox. duration
    Anagen - growing phase 
    • Hair grows approx ½ inch every month

    • Approx. 90% of hairs in this phase at any one time. 

    3 to 5 years
    Catagen - transition phase 
    • End of active hair growth
    • Hair follicle starts to shrink 
    Few weeks
    Telegen – resting phase 
    • Approx. 10% of hair on your scalp in this phase
    • New hair starts to form in the follicles 
    Nearly a year
    Exogen – shedding phase
    • Normal to lose 50-100 hairs per day during this phase 
    2 to 5 months

    How to deal with postpartum hair loss

    There are no specific treatments for postpartum hair loss due to it being a temporary condition. It usually gets better with time. However, there are some steps you can take to help your hair feel fuller and improve your overall hair health. 


    The cells that make up each hair strand require essential nutrients to keep hair healthy and strong so a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals can be beneficial. Vitamin D, iron, omega 3, zinc and selenium all contribute to scalp, root, follicle and shaft health.

    Hair care routine

    If your hair is thinning and/or falling out, it is likely fragile and easily damaged. A hair care routine that keeps this in mind is important. Use a gentle shampoo followed by a moisturising conditioner. Avoid using heat on the hair. Ditch your hair dryer, straighteners, and curling tongs when possible, opting to let your hair air dry instead.

    If you can avoid hairstyles that pull tightly on the hair. Instead wear your hair down or in a loose bun.  


    Vitamin requirements are different in pregnancy and not all vitamins are safe for your baby. That’s why it's best to check any supplements you are thinking of taking with your doctor. There are special, pregnancy-approved hair supplements available.  

    Speak to your doctor

    You should speak to GP if: 

    • You're concerned about your hair loss
    • It's particularly severe
    • You're losing clumps
    • You have patches
    • It's been happening for more than six months 

    It may be that there is another underlying problem contributing to your hair loss. Your GP can help you with treatment and advice.  

    Other causes of hair loss in women

    Postpartum hormonal changes may not be the only cause of your hair loss.

    Other causes of hair loss include: 

    • Family genetics
    • Medications
    • Stress
    • Medical conditions


    In summary, postpartum hair loss in women is common. It’s  a result of changes in hormone levels. Postpartum hair loss is usually only temporary, beginning around three months after birth and resolving itself after about six months.

    Women’s hair loss can be caused by other factors. If you’re worried about the duration or severity of hair loss, you should seek advice from your doctor. 



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