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    Do men care about going bald?

    On this page
    1. Which countries care the most about going bald?
    2. 1. Malaysia
    3. 2. USA
    4. 3. Czech Republic
    5. 4. The UK
    6. 5. Spain
    7. What causes baldness in men?
    8. Extreme stress / stressful event 
    9. Illness 
    10. Side effects to medical treatment 
    11. Skin disorders 
    12. Hormone imbalances 
    13. Why do men go bald, and women don’t? 
    14. Is hair loss important to men?
    15. How to be bald and confident
    16. When to be worried about hair loss
    17. Hair loss treatments if you’re going bald
    18. Finasteride and Propecia
    19. Caffeine shampoo
    20. Other methods of treatment
    21. Minoxidil 
    22. Hair transplants 
    23. Wigs/hair pieces 
    24. Laser hair therapy 

    Reviewed by our clinical team

    It’s no secret that baldness is a preoccupation for a lot of men, but it’s also a hugely stigmatised issue. That got us wondering - which countries spend the most time worrying about how many strands remain on their heads? 

    There has always been a stigma about men starting to lose their hair. Will they shave it off at the first sign of a receding hairline? Will they try to cover any emerging bald patches with a combover? Or will they retain a full head of hair until they’re in their old age? 

    We decided to figure out which countries are braving the bald look with pride, and which regions are the most concerned about their receding hairlines.  

    We wanted to find out who was worried about their hair loss, and who was happy to let their hair line recede. So we've taken a look at those countries who experience the most hair loss, and those populations who spend the most time googling hair loss cures. Read on to get the lowdown on our findings...

    Which countries care the most about going bald?

    Bald and the brave

    1. Malaysia

    Although only 23% of their population is braving the bald look, in comparison there are a lot of searches for hair loss treatments in Malaysia. The percentage difference between the low balding population and the high interest in hair loss solutions means that our rankings show Malaysia is the country most concerned about losing their hair. 

    2. USA

    In our study, the US ranked 5th in the list of the most balding countries, however they came in first place in the rankings of countries who are actively searching for hair loss treatments. They evidently take a lot of pride in the hair on their heads and aren’t too happy about losing their locks at an early age. It seems that American men are often found trying to find solutions for their thinning heads of hair rather than accepting their fate.

    3. Czech Republic

    It appears that men in the Czech Republic are losing their hair quicker than anywhere else, having ranked in first place for the most balding country. That said, they come near the bottom of the table, in 18th place, in the list of countries who are searching for solutions. Whilst they may be balding, you won’t catch many Czechs googling “Why is my hair falling out?!?!?” in a moment of panic. Instead, they’re more than ready to brave the shave and rock their bald heads with pride.

    4. The UK

    Although the UK are exactly halfway down the ranking in 10th place for the countries losing their hair the quickest, the British are still the second most likely country to be searching for baldness cures. Even though they’re not in the top 5% of balding countries, us Brits clearly care about keeping our hair firmly on our heads

    5. Spain

    Spain has the second highest bald percentage of their population, but they still sit within the middle of the rankings in terms of the countries searching for solutions. So whilst they do care somewhat about losing their hair, their demand for hair loss treatments aren’t as high as you might predict for a country that’s rapidly losing their locks.

    What causes baldness in men?

    The majority of men lose their hair because of male pattern baldness which is a hereditary condition that’s more formally called androgenetic alopecia. 
    Men with pattern baldness may notice that fewer hairs grow in certain areas, and the hairs that do grow are thinner and far more breakable than before. This is why men often start noticing their hairlines receding or bald spots cropping up on the top of their head and around their temples as they get older.

    Whilst male pattern baldness is responsible for 95% of hair loss in men, making hair loss a generally genetic problem. Other causes of hair loss can include:

    Extreme stress / stressful event 

    Periods of extreme stress can disrupt the natural cycle of the hair, causing it to fall out. This is known as telogen effluvium.  

    If you have alopecia areata (an autoimmune condition that causes circular patches of hair loss), you might find this flares up after a period of stress.   

    Stress can also mean that people scratch or pull at their hair, this can damage the hair and cause it to come out. This is called trichotillomania. 


    Like stress, severe illness can cause telogen effluvium, causing some of your hair to temporarily fall out.  

    Side effects to medical treatment 

    Certain treatments can cause hair loss. For example, some cancer treatments will result in patients losing their hair.  

    Skin disorders 

    Sometimes skin conditions like ringworm can cause hair loss.  

    Hormone imbalances 

    It's thought that hormonal changes through things like pregnancy, menopause and thyroid problems can cause temporary hair loss.  

    Why do men go bald, and women don’t? 

    It’s a common misconception that men lose their hair and women don’t, it’s just that it’s more common in men. In fact, around 40% of women aged 70+ will have female pattern baldness (the female version of the condition that causes most hair loss in men).  

    Is hair loss important to men?

    It’s not uncommon for men to experience low self-esteem and confidence when they start balding, but what you might not realise is that these anxieties go back centuries. 

    Long, thick hair has always been a symbol of masculinity and strength, even in ancient times, and it’s no secret that hair loss also represents aging in our society. These standards have been passed down through history so it’s unsurprising that men continue to feel the emotional fallout of hair loss today.

    Losing hair can cause serious issues with self-perception and self-esteem which can cause knock-on effects in other areas of men’s lives, including in their relationships.

    That said, many men have no problems with being bald and feel confident with their shaved heads. Plenty of people choose to take the razor to their heads the second they notice thinning spots and receding hairlines, which certainly saves money on additional hair grooming costs. 

    How to be bald and confident

    Regardless of whatever side of the fence you fall on, nobody should have to feel embarrassed about seeking out advice when they’re going bald.
    It’s an entirely personal decision and there is help out there. 

    Whilst there isn’t a cure for baldness, there are effective prescription treatments available to slow down loss and stimulate regrowth. There's also lots of hairstyles you could try to make the most of your hair. 

    If you find that hair loss has greatly affected your self-esteem and mental health, it’s wise to seek out help from a professional therapist.

    When to be worried about hair loss

    No matter which country you’re from and whether you have a full head of hair or have been noticing hair loss, each man’s experience with balding is different. It’s natural to lose hair as you get older and it shouldn’t be something that has a detrimental effect on your mental health.

    Whether you choose to look for treatment or embrace the baldness, you should be able to feel comfortable with your own head of hair… or even lack thereof! 

    Hair loss treatments if you’re going bald

    It's true there is no cure for male pattern baldness, but there are medications that can help.

    Finasteride and Propecia

    Drugs such as Finasteride and Propecia block the hormone that causes male pattern baldness and stop it from attacking hair follicles which slows down the rate of hair loss. Treatments come in the form of daily tablets that need to be consistently taken for at least 3-three to six months before you might see any effects. In fact, around 90% of men who use Propecia or Finasteride experience an improvement, and a further 66% benefit from renewed hair growth. However, stopping any treatment may reverse these effects and could lead to the progression of hair loss.

    You can request both Finasteride and Propecia from our hair loss clinic or a bundle of Finasteride and Regaine (a brand of minoxidil, a hair loss treatment). When you request a treatment, we'll ask you a series of questions as part of your online consultation. Your answers will then be reviewed to ensure that the treatment we prescribe is safe for you to take.

    We also offer, without a consultation, a hair loss bundle containing minoxidil, hair loss shampoo and vitamins

    Caffeine shampoo

    Caffeine shampoo is a hair loss treatment designed to stimulate hair growth using caffeine extract. It can often be found in high street pharmacies and supermarkets.

    It’s unclear just how effective caffeine shampoos actually are. Whilst it has been proved that caffeine does stimulate hair growth in a laboratory dish there is not enough evidence to prove it works with hair on the scalp.

    Generally speaking, caffeine shampoos are not endorsed by the medical community since there is no clinically viable evidence that shows caffeine shampoos have a long-lasting effect on male pattern baldness.

    Outside of caffeine shampoos, we do offer a DHT blocking shampoo which can support hair healthMayo clinic - hair loss symptoms and causes - External link

    Other methods of treatment


    Minoxidil (sometimes known by the brand Regaine) is an effective treatment for hair loss. It comes as a solution or foam and is applied to the areas of the scalp affected by hair loss. It’s thought to work by increasing blood flow to the follicles, stimulating new growth.  

    Hair transplants 

    Hair transplants are a form of surgery to move healthy hair follicles to an area that’s thinning or gone bald. It’s an invasive and expensive solution, so isn’t an option for everyone, but it can be very effective.  

    Wigs/hair pieces 

    Wigs or hair pieces can be worn over thinning hair to disguise it.  

    Laser hair therapy 

    Laser treatment for hair loss is available in some countries, but it’s not wildly available and more research is needed.  

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    We compared the percentage of individuals who are bald or balding in 21 countries with the number of people who are searching for hair loss/hair loss treatments. Based on which country is generating the highest search against percentage balding, we calculated a percentage difference between the ranks to better understand which countries are the most concerned about hair loss. 

    Rank 1 = Cares the most. Rank 21 = Cares the least



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