Weight loss service from £12.50 a week. 

Flu advice

We’re here for you with our clinicians’ expert flu advice. The flu season in the UK runs from October through to March each year, with lots of people getting their annual flu vaccine during these months and just before. Flu can be an unpleasant illness, so it’s important you’re clued up on flu symptoms, how to prevent catching the flu and the benefits of getting the flu vaccine. But whether you’re getting the vaccine or not, you can still do your bit by taking steps to reduce the risk of catching and spreading flu to those around you.  

We’re here for you with our clinicians’ expert flu advice. The flu season in the UK runs from October through to March each year, with lots of people getting their annual flu vaccine during these months and just before. Flu can be an unpleasant illness, so it’s important you’re clued up on flu symptoms, how to prevent catching the flu and the benefits of getting the flu vaccine. But whether you’re getting the vaccine or not, you can still do your bit by taking steps to reduce the risk of catching and spreading flu to those around you.  

Symptoms, treatment and spread advice

Flu jab advice

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This service operates in the United Kingdom only

LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

This service operates in the United Kingdom only

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