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    How to stop hair loss

    On this page
    1. Causes of hair loss
    2. Can hair loss be stopped?
    3. Treatments for hair loss
    4. How long does hair take to grow back?

    Reviewed by Dr Bhavini Shah

    Male hair loss is a very common condition, affecting around 6.5 million men in the UK. There are lots of different type of hair loss, but the most common amongst men is male pattern baldness. This is a type of hereditary hair loss which, for lots of men, is just a natural part of getting older. 

    In this article we’re going to look in more detail at hair loss and the ways you might be able to slow it down, and in some cases stop it.

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    Causes of hair loss

    Male hair loss is caused by the hormone testosterone being converted to DHT, which causes hair follicles to shrink. Hair growth subsequently slows down or even stops altogether. 

    Male hair loss (also known as male pattern baldness or ‘androgenic alopecia’) is usually genetic, however there are other causes of hair loss such as:

    It’s worth noting here that there is no correlation between the level of normal testosterone and baldness.

    Types of hair loss

    How much hair loss is normal?

    It’s normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day. You may see hair come out on your hairbrush or when you shower. The hair sheds as part of the normal growing cycle and if often nothing to worry about.

    “It is important to speak with a GP if you’re concerned about hair loss. They can help you to find the safest and most effective treatment for you. LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor offers online consultations where if suitable you can be prescribed the correct treatment.” - Dr Bhavini Shah

    Male pattern baldness usually starts with a little thinning of the hair at the temples. The hairline will then recede and a sparse patch will appear on the top of the head. The hairline may then meet the patch, revealing the whole scalp.

    Can hair loss be stopped?

    Although there is no cure for male hair loss, the right treatment can prevent further hair loss. Whether hair loss can be stopped depends on the reason behind your hair loss. If it’s caused by stress your hair loss may be temporary and will come back on its own.

    If your hair loss is genetic, then there are treatments available such as Finasteride, known also as the brand Propecia, and minoxidil that can help to slow down hair loss.

    Treatments for hair loss

    Treatments like minoxidil or caffeine shampoos are available over-the-counter online, in supermarkets and pharmacies. There are also treatments available with a prescription. What causes your hair loss will determine the right treatment for you. The best place to start is talking to your GP or completing an online consultation with an online doctor.

    Hair loss medication

    In the UK there are two prescription-only treatments for hair loss:

    • Propecia - Propecia is very effective at stopping hair loss, with 90% of men having positive results.
    • Finasteride - Finasteride is the active ingredient of the well-known hair loss treatment Propecia. It can slow hair loss and even reverse it.

    Men usually need to take Propecia or Finasteride every day for a minimum of 3-6 months before noticing any results and the balding process will usually resume if treatment is ended.

    Supplements for hair growth

    In a small number of men, hair loss can be due to a vitamin deficiency. But a clinician would need to diagnose this and help you further with the vitamins you may need to include in your diet.

    You might read about hair loss vitamins and how they can help treat hair loss, but there’s limited evidence for these working. However, it’s unlikely to harm your health, or your hair, if you do try these vitamins.

    Supplements include:

    Hair products for hair growth

    Over the counter hair growth products like Minixodil (Regaine) and caffeine shampoo are available online, in pharmacies and supermarkets.

    Minoxidil, the active ingredient in Regaine reinvigorates shrunken hair follicles. Minoxidil works by helping the blood flow to the hair follicles, stimulating and prolonging hair growth.

    Minoxidil was discovered during clinical trials for high blood pressure treatment. During trials, minoxidil showed signs of being able to regrow hair. You may need to use Regaine for two months or more before you see hair growth.

    It’s unclear whether caffeine shampoo, like Alpecin can help with hair growth.  There are small research papers showing some effectiveness of Alpecin in improving hair strength and increasing activity in hair roots after a few months of regular use.

    Diet for hair growth

    Our diet can impact the health of our hair, which is why it’s important to eat a healthy balanced diet. A deficiency in vitamins can lead to hair loss for some people. One of the essential nutrients your hair needs to stay healthy is protein. Your hair is made of the protein keratin, so making sure you get enough protein can support hair growth.

    How long does hair take to grow back?

    Our hair is in a continuous growth cycle, the stages are:

    1. Anagen - growing
    2. Catagen - transition
    3. Telogen – resting 
    4. Early anagen – shedding 

    Stages of hair growth

    When you start using hair loss treatments it can take at least three months to slow down hair loss, six months to grow new hair, and as long as 12 months to verify whether the hair loss treatment is effective for you.

    Although no immediate effect may be seen after your first month of taking Finasteride or using minoxidil, it’s recommended that you stick with it for a few months if you have no adverse reactions.


    If you have noticed that your hair is thinning, or your hair line is receding you may be experiencing male pattern baldness. A GP or one of our clinicians will be able to determine what type of hair loss you have and any possible causes. They can then help you find the right treatment for you.  



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