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On this page

    Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance and tests

    On this page
    1. Government guidance on COVID-19 
    2. Different types of testing
    3. COVID-19 lateral flow test kits
    4. Who is testing available to

    COVID testing

    For the most up to date coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance and information, please visit the NHS or government’s dedicated pages. This advice may differ in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    As we move through the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance has to change regarding what we can and can’t do, all in an attempt to halt the spread of the virus. 

    In fact, two of the biggest themes throughout COVID-19, has been government guidance and testing for the virus. We thought it might be useful to explain the latest government COVID-19 guidelines a little further and look at the different types of testing that are available to key workers and the general public. 

    Government guidance on COVID-19 

    See the most up to date restrictions and guidance for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    See more information about from the NHS about coronavirus

    Different types of testing

    COVID-19 swab test
    The COVID-19 swab tests are the tests used by the NHS to determine if a person currently has COVID-19. The swab test is run around the inside of a person’s mouth and throat, collecting a sample of cells which can then be tested in a laboratory for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19.

    If you think you might have COVID-19, find out more about COVID-19 swab tests and how to request one for yourself.

    COVID-19 antibody blood test
    The COVID-19 antibody blood test is an EU approved test used to determine if you have previously had COVID-19. A sample of a person’s blood is sent to a laboratory where it is tested for the presence of antibodies against COVID-19. 

    The presence of antibodies would confirm that a person has been exposed to COVID-19. These antibodies are present in the late stages of infection and may remain for up to months and possibly years after recovery, meaning that you have had COVID-19. A positive result on an antibody test does not confirm immunity.

    If you would like to take a COVID-19 antibody blood test, find out more about this antibody blood test and how to request one through our COVID-19 test kit clinic.

    COVID-19 lateral flow test kits

    You can now also order COVID-19 lateral flow test kits using our service, We sell two types of test:

    Who is testing available to

    Both the swab and antibody blood tests can be purchased by the general public through our COVID-19 test kit clinic


    Authors and editors

    • Written by

      Dr Sameer Sanghvi
      GMC number: 7085078
      Date published: 18th May 2020

    • Reviewed and updated by

      Dr Bhavini Shah
      GMC number: 7090158
      Date reviewed: 16th January 2024

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