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On this page

    Period delay and blood pressure

    On this page
    1. What does this mean for me?
    2. Will the pharmacist see my medical information?
    3. What happens if the pharmacist can't dispense my treatment?

    Norethisterone contains a high dose of progesterone, which is metabolised in the body into an oestrogenic hormone called oestradiol, which if left untreated increases the risk of heart problems and kidney damage in addition to strokes.

    What does this mean for me?

    Therefore, to ensure that norethisterone is safe for you to take, the pharmacist will need to check your blood pressure, height, and weight before they can dispense your period delay treatment. These checks are free and will take place in a private consultation room.

    We want to make it as convenient as possible for you to delay your period, but your safety is still our number one priority.

    For this reason, period delay treatment is only available for in-store collection, so that our pharmacists can carry out these free checks as needed and ensure that norethisterone is always safe for you to take.

    Will the pharmacist see my medical information?

    No. Your pharmacist will only check your blood pressure, height, and weight - they will not see any of the private or medical information you provide during your online consultation. Any information you give will remain between you and our clinicians. You can meet our clinical team here.

    What happens if the pharmacist can't dispense my treatment?

    If the pharmacist is unable to safely dispense your treatment, you will receive a full refund within three working days, and an email to confirm this.

    The pharmacist may advise you to go and see your GP face-to-face if your readings are outside safe limits. This is for your safety, as high results can increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your online doctor via your Patient Record.

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