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On this page

    Patient Feedback

    On this page
    1. What do our patients say about us?
    2. Patient testimonials
    3. Please join our patient panel

    What do our patients say about us?

    In our annual patient satisfaction survey carried out in July 2018, 67% of patients said they would recommend LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor.

    Patient testimonials

    "This is such an easy process when you have such a hectic life."

    "Simple, confidential and great service. Saved a lot of embarrassment as I did not have to visit my own doctor."

    "I was amazed how easy it was to use. My prescription was available to collect the very next day."

    "I find using a GP very limiting - I work long hours an hour away from home and the GP Surgery works very much to its own timescales which don't take account of the lives of their service users. This is great - to be able to quickly get hold of a doctor, get some advice and renew basic medications has made my life much easier."

    "The online doctor service is easy to use, suitable for people who often use the internet for services, the delivery service was prompt and quick. Very good service, I will definitely recommend to my family and friends."

    Please join our patient panel

    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor encourages all patients to provide feedback on our service. To do so, please contact us directly, or join our patient panel using the link below. If you join our patient panel, we will keep you on our books as someone to contact for advice in the services you select.

    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

    This service operates in the United Kingdom only

    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

    This service operates in the United Kingdom only

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    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

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