Atovaquone with Proguanil
Atovaquone with Proguanil
Atovaquone with Proguanil
- Effective generic anti-malaria tablet
- Side effects are uncommon and usually mild
- Start treatment before your holiday
Taking Atovaquone with Proguanil
Take 1 tablet at the same time each day with food or a milky drink, where possible.
Start taking the tablets daily 2 days before visiting a malaria risk area. Keep taking 1 tablet every day while in the area, and for 7 days after you leave.
How it works
Malaria is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito, which passes the malaria parasite into the bloodstream. Atovaquone with Proguanil contains two active ingredients (atovaquone and proguanil hydrochloride) which prevent malaria by killing the malaria parasite.
Side effects
Side effects from Atovaquone with Proguanil are uncommon and usually mild, but the medicine can sometimes cause stomach pain, dizziness, headaches, nausea, diarrhoea, coughing, low mood and skin reactions. You may experience vivid dreams.
For full information on side effects and correct use, see the patient information leaflet. If any side effects concern you, contact us via your Patient Record.
You'll be protected from 1-2 days after starting your course – so you need to start treatment before you leave to ensure that you will be protected by the time you arrive at your destination.
You need to take your tablets regularly and according to the instructions to get maximum protection.
Remember, Atovaquone with Proguanil can give you 95% protection when used in conjunction with other measures to make sure you don't get bitten by a mosquito.
More info on Atovaquone with Proguanil
Who can take Atovaquone with Proguanil
If you're over 18 and clinically suitable, we can prescribe you Atovaquone with Proguanil. However, you are responsible for ensuring that it is the correct anti-malaria tablet for your destination. Check this at Fit For Travel.
Important information about Atovaquone with Proguanil
Not all malaria prevention drugs are suitable for all parts of the world. You should check which tablets are recommended for your destination.
Safety: taking other medicines
As is true of all medication, Atovaquone with Proguanil can interact with other medicines. This is why it's important that you let us know which prescription, over-the-counter medicines and recreational drugs you are taking so that we can prescribe Atovaquone with Proguanil safely.
Alternative treatments
If Atovaquone with Proguanil is not suitable for your destination, Doxycycline might be. If appropriate, we can prescribe this for you.
As well as taking malaria tablets, you must take other measures to protect yourself against malaria when in a malaria area. These involve avoiding being bitten by a mosquito in the first place.
You should use insect repellent such as DEET, sleep under a mosquito net that's been treated with insecticide, and wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers in the evening.