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    Erectile dysfunction: 50+ facts and statistics

    On this page
    1. How common is erectile dysfunction?
    2. What are the causes?
    3. What symptoms can men expect?
    4. How is erectile dysfunction treated?

    Reviewed by Dr Bhavini Shah

    Also known as impotence, erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to get and maintain an erection sufficient for sex. The condition is very common, particularly as men age. Our research collates the most recent statistics on erectile dysfunction and Viagra (the brand name for sildenafil).

    ED stats

    We surveyed 500 adult men and found that:

    • 50% of men have experienced some form of erectile dysfunction before. 
    • Two in five men (40%) would not feel comfortable seeking help for ED. 
    • Four in five men (82%) said that ED should be talked about more openly. 

    “Erectile dysfunction is incredibly common and it’s important that men know they are not alone in dealing with this problem.” - Dr Bhavini Shah

    How common is erectile dysfunction?

    • Erectile dysfunction affects up to one in five men in the UK, roughly 4.3 million. 
    • This number is under some dispute as true ED prevalence is likely to be underestimated due to under-reporting to healthcare professionals. 
    • Other studies suggest that two-fifths (41%) of UK men suffer from ED.

      how many suffer from ED

    • In 1995, it is estimated that 152 million men suffered from ED globally.
    • In 2025, it is expected that 322 million men will be suffering from ED, more than double that of 30 years ago.

      ED suffering increase
    • Age is the variable most strongly associated with ED. 
    • Roughly half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 will experience ED to some degree. 
      • 40% of men will be affected by ED by the age of 40
      • 70% of men will be affected by ED by the age of 70. 
    • The NHS saw almost 3.5 million prescriptions for the ED treatment Viagra in England between September 2023 and August 2024. That’s 25.5 million pills! 
    • In terms of cost to the NHS, it’s estimated that the service spent £4.8 million on Viagra in this time. 

    What are the causes?

    • There isn’t one singular cause for ED. There are lots of reasons why you may not be able to achieve or maintain an erection. 
    • It is suggested that 90% of men with ED have at least one underlying physical cause for their problem. 
      • For the remaining 10%, ED has a psychological cause.

        physical causes of ed
      • Cardiovascular disease is the underlying cause in 40% of cases.
      • Diabetes is the underlying cause in 33% of cases.
      • Hormonal issues (e.g., low testosterone) and certain medications (including antidepressants and recreational drugs) and the underlying cause in 11% of cases.
      • Neurological disorders are the underlying cause in 10% of cases.
      • Pelvic surgery or trauma is the underlying cause in 3-5% of cases.
      • Anatomical issues (e.g., tight foreskin or curved penis) are the underlying cause in 1-3% of cases.
    • Certain health conditions can also increase your chances of experiencing ED. 
    • Three quarters (76%) of men who are treated for prostate cancer experience ED, 
    • Three quarters (75%) of men suffering from coronary artery disease experience ED. 
    • Erectile dysfunction is also thought to occur in 15-25% of people who suffer from a serious head injury. 
    • Undiagnosed diabetes is up to three times (28%) more likely in men with ED. 
    • Obesity can increase your chances of developing ED by 50%. 
    • Men suffering from depression are 40% more likely to suffer from ED also.

      psychological erectile dysfunction

    What symptoms can men expect?

    • Erectile dysfunctions can be the failure to achieve an erection, or facing difficulty maintaining it. 
    • One study of men with ED found that:
      • A third (33%) suffered from minimal symptoms. 
      • Half (49%) from moderate symptoms. 
      • One in five (19%) had ‘complete’ erectile dysfunction. 
    • In one survey, 62% of men with ED reported a decline in self esteem. 
      • 29% reported a negative impact on their relationships. 
      • 21% reported their relationship had ended. 
    • Between a third and two thirds of men with ED will also suffer from premature ejaculation. 
    • It’s estimated that only a third of men (33%) with ED in the UK are seeking medical help.

      medical erectile dysfunction

    How is erectile dysfunction treated?

    • Medication can be used to manage ED in at least two-thirds of cases. 
    • The most popular treatment for erectile dysfunction is Viagra (the brand name for sildenafil). 
    • Viagra was the first licensed oral ED medication and became available in September 1998. 
    • On release, Viagra had some of the fastest prescription uptakes and sales growth of any medication in history. 
    • There were 150,000 prescriptions written for Viagra within the first two weeks of it going on sale in the US. 
    • In 2024 so far, the NHS area prescribing the most Viagra was NHS Hampshire, Southampton and Isle of Wight, who have prescribed more than half a million pills so far this year (533,169, January to September 2024). 
    • Google searches for ‘Viagra for men’ boast an average search volume of 27,100 searches monthly in the UK.

      how long does viagra take
    • It takes 30-60 minutes for Viagra to take effect on average. 
    • Viagra can be taken up to four hours before you want to have sex. 
    • Viagra is effective for 73% of men when taken correctly. 
    • Viagra can have side effects and isn’t suitable for all people. If you have questions about whether Viagra is right for you, contact your GP.

      smoking and ed
    • Vacuum pumps are a non-medicated approach that can help combat ED. They work by encouraging blood flow to the penis to cause an erection and are successful in 90% of cases. 
    • 25% of patients with ED experienced improved symptoms one year after they stop smoking. 
    • Losing weight and increasing exercise may also reduce risk of ED by up to 70%. 


    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor surveyed 500 adult men in the UK [14/11/2024]. 



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