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    Mental health in the pandemic

    On this page
    1. Keep in contact with friends and family
    2. Take good care of your body and mind
    3. Avoid things that make you worried or sad
    4. Treat the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder
    5. Try to stick to a routine
    6. Get help when you need it

    Woman doing warrior 3 in yoga

    For the most up to date coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance and information, please visit the NHS or government’s dedicated pages. This advice may differ in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    The COVID-19 pandemic means that lots of us might not be able to do everything we want to and see all the people we want to see. In the first lockdown, this took a heavy toll on our mental health. One survey taken in April 2020 found that 24% of adults had experienced loneliness in the previous 2 weeks.   

    So, if you’re struggling to get through the pandemic, just remember you’re not alone.  

    There’s plenty of help and advice available, including from the NHS, Mind and GOV.UK. You can also raise concerns with your employer and make an appointment to speak to your GP. Remember, lots of people are going through this, so you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about seeking help. 

    For more advice, read on. We’ve put together some tips to help you manage your mental health over the coming weeks and months. 

    Keep in contact with friends and family

    Whether you live alone or not, it’s important to keep in contact with loved ones. Join a WhatsApp group with friends, take part in virtual quizzes, and speak to loved ones on the phone.  

    Don’t forget, you can now see people inside and outside, and you can now have fairly close contact with them. 

    When you talk to loved ones, take the opportunity to communicate what you’re going through. Just chatting through your feelings can be really helpful. It’s also very likely that your loved ones are experiencing the same things. 

    Take good care of your body and mind

    It’s not always easy to get motivated when you’re feeling depressed or anxious. But if you can, keep on top of basic tasks like cooking, staying active, and getting plenty of sleep. 

    Cooking and eating healthy, home-cooked meals will help with energy levels and mood, and make sure your body gets the nutrients it needs. Mind has some great resources about establishing a healthy relationship with food. 

    Staying active also has lots of benefits. Exercise of any kind, from walking, cycling to yoga, can boost your mood, ease feelings of stress and anxiety, and help you sleep. For free online guides, try the NHS Fitness Studio. When you exercise outdoors, you’ll also benefit from being in fresh air and around nature.

    For advice on improving your sleep, consult this guide from the NHS and this guide from Mind. 

    Avoid things that make you worried or sad

    During the first lockdown, did certain things trigger your stress and anxiety? If so, avoid them. 

    Common triggers include: 

    • Frequently reading the news 
    • Frequently scrolling through social media 
    • Watching films or TV that focus on death, grief, abuse and/or violence

    If you find it hard to resist “doomscrolling” on your phone or laptop, try deleting social media apps or blocking certain websites.  

    Treat the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression caused by the changing seasons. Most people who have it start to experience symptoms in the autumn and winter as the weather changes and the days get shorter. One common treatment is to get a SAD lamp, which mimics natural sunlight.

    If you think you might have SAD, it’s worth speaking to a doctor. Addressing these symptoms might help you generally feel better. 

    Try to stick to a routine

    A routine can help you form healthy habits. We’ve written an article about creating and maintaining a routine during the pandemic– read it here

    Get help when you need it

    If you’re struggling to cope, talk to your GP. There are plenty of treatment options available, even in the middle of a pandemic. You might be able to get counselling or therapy over Skype or Zoom or join a virtual support group. Your GP might also be able to prescribe medications to help with your depression and anxiety. 

    Find out more by reading this guide from Mind.


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