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    Face masks and coverings: guidance and where to get them

    On this page
    1. Face coverings and face masks
    2. Looking after face coverings
    3. Government guidance
    4. Where to get face masks

    Updated 24th February 2022 - for the most up to date coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance and information, please visit the NHS or government’s dedicated pages. This advice may differ in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    Face coverings and face masks

    Face coverings are different from surgical masks or respirators used by healthcare professionals or other workers who have to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as part of their job. You can use the LloydsPharmacy guide to learn more about the difference between face masks and face coverings. 

    Face coverings are, generally speaking, a layer of material worn over the nose and mouth. These can be homemade face coverings, a repurposed scarf or headband, or face coverings bought online. 

    Find out more about how to protect yourself from COVID-19. 

    Looking after face coverings

    It’s important to look after your face coverings as they can spread infection, if you do not use them in the correct way. 

    You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before and after touching the face covering . The covering should go over the mouth and nose and you should always remove the covering by the ear loops. 

    If you have a reusable face covering, you should wash the covering after every use in a hot wash. If you have disposable face coverings you should use them only once and then dispose of it safely in a bin bag inside of your home. Littering this type of face mask puts anyone picking up the litter at risk. 

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    Government guidance

    For an up to date list of locations you’re required to wear a face covering, visit the government website.

    See the most up to date restrictions and guidance for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

    Where to get face masks

    You can buy face masks online from LloydsPharmacy, they have a variety of options for adults and children. 


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    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

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    LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor

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