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    Asthma in adults

    On this page
    1. Asthma symptoms in adults
    2. Causes of adult-onset asthma
    3. Occupational asthma
    4. Treatment of asthma in adults

    Asthma is thought to affect around 5.4 million people in the UK, with 1 in 11 children and 1 in 12 adults diagnosed. Although medical treatments and management techniques are constantly, it’s still a serious condition that – for most people – requires daily care.

    The fact that it is slightly more common in children indicates that some children who suffer from it will “grow out” of their symptoms in their teens or early adulthood. However, other people will have it throughout their life.
    In certain cases, asthma does not emerge as a condition until adulthood. This is known as adult-onset asthma and is fairly common.

    Asthma symptoms in adults

    The symptoms of asthma in adults are normally the same as the symptoms in children. The four key indicators are:

    • coughing
    • wheezing
    • feeling breathless
    • having tightness in the chest

    Diagnosing an adult can be easier than a child. This is because children – particularly infants and toddlers – often have the symptom of wheezing without actually suffering from asthma. Another issue is that small children cannot carry out a peak flow test (where the ability to blow air out of your lungs is measured).

    However, being diagnosed as an adult can also be problematic – particularly if the patient is in middle age or older. This is because other conditions common amongst older people have similar symptoms to asthma. These include pneumonia, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    If you are an adult suffering from the asthma symptoms listed above, you should speak to a doctor. They will ask about your family history, medical history, workplace conditions, and lifestyle to establish risk factors. They may also ask you to do a lung function test.

    Causes of adult-onset asthma

    The exact cause of asthma is unknown, however risk factors for adults include:

    • Bad allergies
    • A bad cold or bout of the flu
    • Obesity

    Hormonal fluctuations in women can also be a risk factor for developing asthma, although it is not fully understood why. Some women find that they develop asthma during or shortly after their first pregnancy. Others find that their symptoms begin around the time of the menopause.

    There are also many careers which can lead to the development of asthma as an adult. This is known as occupational asthma.

    Occupational asthma

    The most common type of occupational asthma is “allergic”. This is where you develop an allergic reaction to certain substances that you are frequently exposed to in your workplace. Over time, this exposure leads your immune system to become sensitive to that particular substance, which means that when you are later exposed to it – even a small amount – you can have a reaction and your asthma symptoms can flare up.

    These substances are known as respiratory sensitisers because of the effect they have on the airways over time. Examples include:

    • Flour dust
    • Wood dust
    • Soldering fumes
    • Latex
    • Animal fur, feathers, dander, saliva
    • Agricultural dust (from grain, poultry, fungal spores, soil etc.)

    You can find a more exhaustive list of respiratory sensitisers here.

    A less common type of occupational asthma is caused by one-off exposure to specific irritants such as chlorine or ammonia.

    Treatment of asthma in adults

    If you are diagnosed with asthma as an adult, your treatment will be tailored depending upon your specific needs and will usually involve the daily use of a preventer inhaler. You will also require a reliever inhaler to soothe your symptoms in the event of a flare-up or asthma attack.

    Along with medical treatment, your doctor may also recommend certain lifestyle changes. These may include quitting smoking, losing weight, and trying out complementary therapies such as yoga and breathing exercises.

    It is also recommended that you create a written asthma action plan where you keep track of all your medication and asthma triggers and have a plan for seeking medical attention in the event of an asthma attack.

    You can find out more about asthma by visiting our online asthma clinic.

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